Our first Artist in Residence: Mary Watson

May, a Month of Markets

Throughout May I took part in four markets – which is probably a record number for a month, discounting December! I make a good proportion of my creative income from markets and other creative events, and they’re a great way to meet new customers as well as other traders.

The weather often plays a part in how busy, and therefore successful, an event can be, and if it’s an outside event it plays a huge part (as I found at Frome in the rain!). Advertising is also a big factor, as, understandably, no one will come to an event if they don’t know it’s on. I’m normally quite on it with social media, so make sure I share posts around the event coming up, in the hope that the other creatives taking part are also doing the same thing, and that between us we’ll create some interest.

Depending how many and what other events are happening on the same day also makes a difference. Again I found this out the hard way last Christmas, where there was one weekend in December with so many markets on I think it made it impossible for customers to see everything.

Whenever I get the chance (and space!) at markets I also often take some time to collage. It’s a win win situation, as it means I have something creative and enjoyable to do to pass the time during quieter spells, and it shows customers exactly how my illustrations are made. It also often proves a good and natural conversation starter with customers and is something I enjoy talking about!

June has been quieter on the market front for me, taking part in Frome (such a soggy day!) and Tobacco Factory Market in Southville.

July you can find me atFrome Independent on Sunday 2nd, Springfest on Saturday 8th and Tobacco Factory Market on Sunday 9th.

Maybe I’ll see you there?


Rising @ Spike Island Open Studios 2017


Zeenat's Blogs: Life in Bristol 2016-17