*NEW* Creative Content Commissions

Find out about Rising's new commissioning opportunities for 16-30 year olds and how to apply!

Here at Rising we are committed to giving young people opportunities to continue to create, make work and get paid. In light of the global pandemic, we are aware that many are staying home and are out of work, so we want to do our part to maintain creativity in times of crisis, whilst also creating a way to put money in the hands of creative young people. 

That’s why we are releasing a series of short, quick, creative content commissions for members of our community to document, express and respond to what is happening in the world right now and how that impacts life as we know it. 

Over the coming months, we will be releasing a series of statements and will be paying one young creative per statement to create a small piece in response.

We are looking for bold and exciting creative responses in a range of mediums that will be shared here on our website and via social media.

These will be: 

  • Motivational

  • Creatively Challenging

  • Responsive

  • Sharable

The COMMISSION: 'covid: who's missing from the conversation?'

It's time for the third Creative Commission prompt! Again, so many fantastic ideas submitted last time — let's keep the energy going!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️

This time we’re paying one creative £100 to make a small piece in response to the statement: ‘COVID: Who's Missing From The Conversation?’.

Note on this prompt: Our intention with this round is to spotlight an experience of the pandemic that hasn't been heard yet. We know that the virus has disproportionately affected disabled people, working class people and people of colour. We therefore invite anyone with these lived experiences to pitch for this prompt. If this is not you, we encourage you to share this opportunity around and create space for unheard voices to come to the front.If this is you and you have any questions about the prompt, DM us on Instagram or email us at hello@rising.org.uk.

We're accepting creativity in all forms: Blogs, short stories, illustrations, comics, soundscapes, music, videos, photo essays and more. We know £100 isn't a lot, so be realistic with what you can achieve in a few hours.

The selected pitcher will receive a fee of £100 after their final piece is submitted.

Commission closes: Friday 4th September, 11:59pm.


Send us (by DM on social media or via email to hello@rising.org.uk) a short summary of how you might want to respond, briefly explaining your idea for a creative response by the closing date above.

We’re particularly interested in hearing how you interpret the statement, how you might want to creatively respond to it and what medium(s) you plan on using. 

We want to keep the submission process as open as possible, so we encourage you to send your summary in any one of the formats below: 

A short written piece (up to 200 words)

A 5 minute audio/ voice note

A rough A4 sketch

A short video talking to camera (up to 5 mins)


We do not need to see your finished response at this stage, we are just interested to hear more about your idea and how you would approach the commission. 

We are currently only accepting submissions from creatives aged 16-30.

We aim to notify you whether you are successful or not 10 days after the deadline. 

We recognise that £100 isn’t a huge amount of money, so please do not spend too much time on this. 


How and when will the provocations be released?

We will be releasing new provocations at regular intervals on our social media channels. There, we will be dropping new provocations and sharing the deadlines for submissions. Please make sure you’re following us on:

Instagram: @risingartsagency

Twitter: @risingartagency

Facebook: Rising Arts Agency

What does provocation mean?

A provocation is a statement or question that causes a response. Think of it as a jumping off point for developing an idea.

What types of pitches are you looking for? 

We are looking for pitches that are clear and give us a good sense of what you want to create or explore. We are big on artist development, so we’re excited by pitches that enable you to take a risk in your work, or do something you have never done or explored before. We are looking for pitches that show consideration for the provocation and let us get a sense of what you think the provocation means. What’s most important to us is seeing your creativity, so please, don’t hold back. 

Who will be deciding which pitches are successful? 

The pitches will be shortlisted by Euella (Rising’s Engagement Producer) and Eli (Rising’s Creative Practice Coordinator) and then the Rising team will make a final decision of who is successful. 

If you are successful we will get in touch with you within 10 days of the deadline to discuss next steps. 

Will I be notified if I am unsuccessful and will I receive feedback? 

We will notify you if your pitch is unsuccessful and will encourage you to put forward a pitch for another provocation. Feedback will also be available on request, but please be aware that due to the team’s current capacity, this might take some time to send over. 

If I am successful, how will I be paid? 

Once you have sent over your creative response, we will ask you to send over an invoice for £100. Your invoice will be paid within 7 days. If you need support making an invoice, we can help with this.

For any other questions or queries, please send them to euella@rising.org.uk or DM us on social media. 


#WhoseFuture book


My Process: Making 'Cloud' — Jake Gaule