Our Coronavirus Statement

Photos of all Rising team members. Text reads: we're still here

Hello Rising family.

We hope you're well. You’re probably very used to seeing messages like this; we wanted to update you on where we’re at, re: the coronavirus pandemic.

We want to make sure we’re doing the best for our staff team, our community, and your families and friends. So, we’ve made the call to suspend all upcoming events until further notice.

This includes BECOME IT, Be It, and any other parties/meet-ups we had planned. We will also be avoiding any in-person meetings.

Socialising and network-building is a huge part of our work, but don’t worry! Rising isn’t closing. We’ll still be here for you, and we’ve got a plan to see us all through this period of physical distancing.


As you may know, we’re a small team, but it’s important to us that no-one is left feeling isolated or unable to get in touch with us. So, here are all of our email addresses:

Clockwise, from top left: Kamina, Euella, Jess, Eli, Roseanna, Will, Rosa

For part of our working week, we’ll all be setting aside time for virtual meetings with you. They could be via Zoom/Skype, FaceTime, phone, typed live chat: your choice. You can pick who you want to speak to: don’t worry about our role in the team. Whether you want to talk about mentoring, your work, or just to reach out for a chat, we’re here for you. 

Email us (you’ll get an automatic reply), and we’ll get in touch to set up a time to chat. 

We’re sorry if email isn’t your chosen communication platform, but it helps us to organise how we run this. If it’s a major issue, DM us. 

Overall, please look after yourselves. Stay home unless absolutely necessary. It might seem like an overreaction, but it’s the main way we can slow the spread of the virus. 

If you have any questions, just email us. We’ll be here.

Be good to each other. Reach out to your local community. Keep an eye on loved ones.

Love and solidarity from the Rising team. 💛


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