Bristol City Council Funds 'Whose Culture?'

Rising Arts Agency has been awarded funding through the Bristol City Council Cultural Investment Programme Imagination Fund 2018-20. The money will fund creative data project ‘Whose Culture?’, measuring the cultural engagement of BAME young people through workshops, training, mentoring, and the development of a mobile app.

We are thrilled to receive this funding from BCC, as it will enable us to create paid work opportunities and pathways into the creative sector for these young people as the first step to supporting increased diversification across the arts. However, BCC’s decision to apply caps and reduce funding on all projects by 15% means that we will have to modify the scope of the project unless more funds can be secured.

We will be appointing a project team and steering group of BAME young people and advisors from across Bristol from April onwards.

Long-term, Rising hopes to share the data with multiple organisations across the city—cultural, educational, council-led, and more—in the name of increasing inclusivity and accessibility for all of Bristol’s diverse communities.

For more information, click here.


Social media: Be spontaneous and get scheduling!


Rising Stories: A Video Series