Creative Connections Parenting in the Pandemic Campaign


Commissioned by

Bristol University with Wellspring Settlement



Creative Commission: Campaign, Facilitation, Graphic Design, Illustration, Co-Design, Community Engagement


Young Creatives

Lucy Turner

This campaign was based on drawings and interviews gathered by community researchers and Wellspring Settlement in Barton Hill, Bristol. Parents were asked about their experiences parenting during the pandemic and we then worked with them to recruit an artist from Rising’s community to turn this information into a poster and billboard campaign. 

After choosing Lucy Turner as the lead artist we then worked together to co-design a series of images to go with the chosen quotes.

From there 54 posters and six billboards went up across the city giving parents a presence under the banner of #ShouldntHaveToShout.

This coincided with the publication by the University of Bristol of a policy paper with tangible demands for the parents to improve their quality of life.

Artist Lucy Turner in front of the campaign poster


Voice: Gave parents a voice and platform to talk (shout) about their experiences of the pandemic

Visibility: 54 posters and 6 billboards  across Bristol

Policy: The campaign coincided with the publication by the University of Bristol of a policy paper with tangible demands for the parents to improve their quality of life.