What Are Your Plans? — Josephine Gyasi

Josephine Gyasi is a Rising Artist, part of our #WhoseFuture 2020 takeover.

"I wrote this back in May, when I felt my heart break. I was SO triggered and SO tired that I fell into deep depression, reflection and came all the way offline.

This is me expressing my anger, pain and thoughts to every non-black person on the planet.. but especially to the ones with the most power: The White Man.

I am angry, I am sad, I am human and I am demanding action. Unapologetically. This is not about us, this is about you. You have the power to change it. We want answers. So the question must be normalised and asked far and wide. What are your plans?

A simple question that only deserves a simple answer.” — Josephine Gyasi

What Are Your Plans?

I’m sick of death

I’m sick to death


From all the way over there

How could you understand

That to walk outside your door

Might mean fate has other plans

You may never return

Instead you’ll be dead


On the streets

Like a rodent with disease

The White Man stops you

On your way

Thinks you’ve got too much to say

So he tears away your life

Makes you beg

And plead

And pray

We ask ourselves, why?

But the question is, why not?

Why would The White Man change?

With no orders from the top?

No justice

No peace

No racist police

The blood is on your hands

The blood is on your hands

The blood is on your hands

So, Mr White Man…

What are your plans?

-- JG

Find out more about #WhoseFuture here


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